New Jersey Shore 2017 Market Statistics

Make more than a few sand dollars this summer at the Jersey Shore There’s an immense amount of traffic online that’s been relatively untapped by Jersey Shore business owners. We’re finding that most shore businesses are still using traditional forms of advertising. There are millions of people googling thousands of keywords and nobody is getting in …

Snapchat Creative Marketing

There’s money to be made through Snapchat filters Remember back in the good old days when nightclub promoters would wage war on one another by handing out flyers at competing clubs? With Snapchat geofilters the game is back on and we’re seeing some huge results. Imagine spending $9 and getting your flyers into the hands …

Tim McGraw Wildwood 4th of July Sponsorships

Small Business sponsorships are now available for the upcoming Celebrate America 4th of July Weekend in Wildwood. We are currently selling vendors spaces ranging from $1,000 – $2,500 and this gets you a 10×10 tent area as well as the opportunity to vend at the event (no liquor & food) as well as interact with all …

Summer at the Jersey Shore Marketing Stats

This Summer Small Talk Media will be Playing in the Sand! For the first time since our inception we will be doing business in the Jersey shore markets. We’ve done the research and can see that there’s an immense amount of traffic online that’s been relatively untapped by business owners. See our market research in …

30 Great Examples of Content Marketing

Content Originally posted by Heike Young for the SalesForce Blog In keeping with our trend of highlighting 30 brilliant social media campaigns, we now turn our lens to content marketing. The Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing as “a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a …

Business at the Beach Expo 2016 Wildwood NJ

This year Small Talk Media and new client Advanced Hospitality (Aloha NCR) will be attending the Business at the Beach Expo in Wildwood, NJ on April 20th. I’ve attended this event quite a few years in a row for a previous employer but this will be the first time representing Small Talk Media. I’ve got …

New Visit Philly Commercial of Epic Proportions

The GPTMC has put together an A+ ad campaign of epic proportions as they pitted a 70 foot Ben Frank against a Cheesesteak in their new commercial with the title… Philazillas. One can only hope that they’ll follow this up with an entire series of Philazillas; Rocky vs Allen Iverson, Duck Boat vs Philly Big …

Real-Time Advertising on Facebook & Google

Your definition of real-time marketing is about to change. While real-time marketing will still revolve around social, new elements are hitting the scene. While real-time marketing on social media is efficient, it may not reach the top retailers you need to properly expose your brand. RangeMe allows direct contact with top retailers, with the opportunity …

The Complete List of Bar & Restaurant Social Media Tips

Every business could use a boost in marketing, whether it’s selling a product or a service. In the case of restaurants, it happens to be both food and service. Running a restaurant can be immensely challenging. Using the best Restaurant Equipment would help make everything run smoother. Being able to show people that your restaurant …

What’s the best time to send your Marketing Messages?

Is There a Perfect Time to Send Your Marketing Message? When sending your marketing message you need to think about the timing of your message, is it relevant to the content of your message? Will your customer appreciate receiving this message at this particular time? There is no perfect time to send a mobile marketing …