Video Marketing: Now Offered In House by Small Talk Media

Facebook is no doubt the largest player in the social media advertising space right now. With the ability to target users based on their “likes” and where they live, Facebook has given businesses the ability to find new customers like never before.
We’ve been using Facebook ads at Small Talk Media for years but it wasn’t until recently that there was such a strong emphasis on video ads. Small businesses are putting out short videos and seeing astounding engagement numbers. Recently I attended an event put on by Facebook to teach business owners about Facebook advertising. Out of a 2 hour presentation they spent at least half the time talking about video ads and how impactful they are for their advertisers. When Facebook is spending this much time on a topic you know that they’re taking it very seriously on the backend as well.
After leaving the event I immediately started to work on ways that I could help my clients with small advertising budgets enter into the world of social video marketing. I brought in my friend Terry who’s known for great video work to see if we can offer something to the public that makes sense from a financial standpoint but would still make a big impact on the advertisers bottom line. After a few hours of racking our brains we came up with the following cost effective packages that utilize the talents of both of our teams:
Video On-Demand – $250.00
The video team will stop by to grab some incredible footage of your business at a time of your choosing. We will then process that into a 1 minute library to create content from. In addition we will create an ad of your choosing, 15 second Instagram? 30 second Facebook? We’ve got you covered.
Video Vault – $500.00 per month
Our video team will drop in twice a month to create the kind of content you’re looking for on a monthly basis. You will get 3 minutes of content added to your library per month and 2 minutes of edited content. Want a longer form piece for your website or youtube? You can have it!
Extra Edits – $100
Want to tap into that library? We can create anything you’d like from that existing library for just $100 bucks a piece!
Want more info? Hit us up HERE

Here’s a Few Recent Videos by Our Team

Local Table from TerryLeahyFilms on Vimeo.

Best Commercials of 2013

When you run a digital marketing agency you’re creativity is constantly tested. Here’s a few advertisers from 2013 that aren’t running low on creativity.

Digital Marketing Agency Philadelphia