This Havertown, PA Italian restaurant came to us mid Covid, barely making it through and asked us what to do to start building their business back up. The owner is also the chef, anything online is not where he wants to spend his time, but he does realize there’s a need to participate in the online conversation so he started looking for a 3rd party that could take the reins and move his brand in the right direction. Right away we dumped their current website and moved them to an elevated look and feelwith easy functionality for the consumer. We immediately did some SEO work on the backend and also built out SEO pages for cateringas this was a target for the owner. Next we worked with a member of their staff in house on how to get better photos. Their budget wasn’t quite enough to have us out every week, so we proposed a few training sessions where we would walk them through how to take great photos with an iPhone. All of the current photos you see on their Instagram are taken by them and then edited and posted by our team. Now equipped with some great photo taking skills they decided on a weekly photo shoot of their specials for that week. We then take those photos and work them into a marketing email to their subscribers. We’ve been sending this email with tremendous results. Because we add personal messaging at the top, their customers look forward to it each week. Overall, this has been an extremely rewarding project and we’re happy to have them as a long term client.
- Marketing Strategy
- Squarespace Website Build & Management
- Social Media Management
- Graphic Design
- Search Engine Optimization
- Social Media Ads Creation and Management
- Printing Promotional Materials & Apparel